European Regulations
On January 1st, 2022, the New Regulation (EU) 2018/848 came into effect, setting forth rules on organic production within the European Union to promote sustainable development. Regulation 848 focuses on significant issues such as biodiversity, safeguarding environmental resources, and ethical farming based on animal welfare. Among its primary objectives is to strengthen consumer protection by enhancing trust in organic products. This is achieved through policies aimed at improving transparency levels and making the control system more effective, as well as raising awareness of the benefits of organic products.
Objectives and general principles of the new regulation (EU) 2018/848
EU Regulation 2018/848 states that organic farming is a farm management and food production system that contributes to climate and environmental protection, long-term soil fertility conservation, and a non-toxic environment. Furthermore, it promotes short supply chains and local productions, encourages the preservation of endangered rare and native breeds. Its goal is to maintain natural heritage while preventing and combating soil organic substance depletion, thus utilizing seeds and animals with a high degree of genetic diversity and disease resistance. Significant attention is directed towards animal welfare.
General principles
Organic production is a sustainable management system based on the following general principles:
a) Respect for natural systems and cycles and maintaining and improving the condition of soils, water, and air, as well as the health of plants and animals and the balance among them;
b) Preservation of elements of the natural landscape, such as natural heritage sites;
c) Responsible use of energy and natural resources such as water, soil, organic matter, and air;
d) Production of a wide variety of high-quality foods and other agricultural and aquaculture products that meet consumers’ demand for products obtained through processes that do not harm the environment, human health, plant health, or the health and welfare of animals;
e) Ensuring the integrity of organic production at all stages of food and feed production, processing, and distribution;
f) Designing and managing biological processes appropriately based on ecological systems and using natural resources internal to the management system;
g) Adapting the production process, where necessary and within the framework of this regulation, to take into account health conditions, regional diversity in ecological and climatic balance, local conditions, various stages of development, and specific livestock practices;
h) Excluding animal cloning, artificially induced polyploid animal breeding, and ionizing radiation from the entire organic food chain;
i) Maintaining a high level of animal welfare by respecting the specific needs of species.