Press review

The first edition of the Organic Week has kicked off, a national initiative promoting organic products organized by AssoBio in collaboration with FederBio, ISMEA, and FIPE (Italian Federation of Public Exercises) for the year 2023. The Organic Week, making its debut this year, takes place from May 22nd to 27th throughout Italy and involves the participation of four major supermarket chains associated with AssoBio: Carrefour, COOP Italia, NaturaSì, and PAM Panorama, along with promotional activities at over 40 retail points across Italy. The initiative includes a national communication campaign, events in the restaurant industry, and exhibition corners with guided tastings in collaboration with companies such as Alce Nero, Conapi, Cerreto, Terre e Tradizioni, and BioToBio, all members of AssoBio. Participating retail points will offer opportunities for consumers to learn about and taste various organic products, ranging from yogurt and snacks to jams, honey, fruit juice, and biscuits. The campaign aims to raise consumer awareness and promote knowledge of the values and culture of organic food, precisely where the general public makes consumption choices: in organized distribution and commercial catering.
The entire initiative enjoys financial support from Being Organic in EU, an information and promotion campaign carried out by FederBio and co-financed by the European Community with the aim of improving knowledge, prestige, and consumption of organic products in Italy. Simultaneously, some public events of great importance for the organic sector will be held in collaboration with FIPE, ISMEA, and Federbio.
The first event, the Organic Food Conference 2023, an international conference organized by IFOAM Organics Europe, took place on May 22nd and 23rd in Sansepolcro. It brought together operators and institutional representatives from all over Europe and provided a valuable opportunity for updates and networking for economic actors in the organic sector.
On May 26th, the presentation of the first qualitative survey entirely dedicated to the positioning and prospects of organic consumption “Out of Home” will take place, based on the results of a sample analysis conducted by ISMEA in collaboration with Fipe-Confcommercio. The event, titled “Organic in commercial catering,” aims to outline the “evolutionary scenario, performance, role, and market spaces” in the Horeca channel. The meeting will be held in Rome, at the headquarters of Fipe-Confcommercio (Sala Abbascià, Piazza Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli, 2) at 10:30 am. For information and registration, access the following link.
Finally, on Saturday, May 27th, the Bio Festival will take place, an event organized by FederBio in collaboration with AssoBio, now in its third edition, open to consumers and families. They can discover and taste organic products prepared by the best chefs and engage in discussions about the ideas animating the debate in the world of organic agriculture and food. The event will be held from 10:30 am at the Acquario Romano, Piazza Manfredo Fanti 47, Rome.
Informational materials for the week will also be published online and on social networks to spread awareness about the nutritional and environmental values of certified organic products. “The campaign is only in its first edition,” stated Roberto Zanoni, president of AssoBio. “In the years to come, we would like it to become a fixed appointment in the calendar of our sector, involving more and more actors, both public and private. Today, more than ever, citizens, adults, and young people play a very active role in product choices. An informed consumer is a conscious consumer, capable of making better and more responsible choices. We hope that this week, besides appreciating and enjoying the goodness of a certified organic product—safe, healthy, and environmentally friendly—will allow people to learn how to recognize and read organic labels, making ethical, transparent, and informed choices.”
The Organic Week and Organic Food Conference are initiatives carried out within the framework of the Being Organic in EU campaign promoted by FederBio in collaboration with Naturland and co-financed by the European Union under Reg. EU n.1144/2014.